Our Semi Frameless Shower Doors
The shower door industry calls these doors semi frameless because the door has no frame around the top and side of the door.
Basco calls these doors the Infinity Semi Frameless series and Century calls theirs the Centec Semi Frameless Series and they represent the best offering of both companies.
We started making our own Semi Frameless doors in 1995 for a couple of reasons. One reason was we often couldn't find one of their stock models which was exactly the right height we needed (they were often too short). And sometimes the stock door was too wide for our situation and at other times the stock doors were too narrow. Of course both Century and Basco did offer custom doors, but the cost was more than we (or our customers) wanted to spend.
Where do most Semi Frameless Doors sold in Maine come from? They come form "out of State" and increasingly over seas!
Our glass is cut, polished, drilled, notched and tempered right here in Maine by the craftsmen at Sigco in Westbrook. Metal fabrication, final assembly and installation is done by our staff at Maine Shower Door.
You can't get much more "Maine Made" than that!
That's why we say, "Put a little more Maine in your next Shower Door."
The first video is about our semi frameless doors, the second is how we make them.