Door Only (or single panel)
Our frameless door only pictures from around the state. Some are fixed panel (sometimes called "shower shields"). Click on a picture to enlarge.


Bangor frameless door only


Bangor frameless door only picture





Bayside frameless door only

GC: Burt Sturrup

Camden frameless door only


Camden Shower Shield

Camden Shower Shield GC: Burgess & Burgess

Little Deer Isle frameless door

Little Deer Isle
GC:Elliot + Elliot

Little Deer Isle second picture of single sliding door

Little Deer Isle
GC: Elliot + Elliot

Camden frameless door only

GC: Oliver Builders

Crew's frameless door

Crews Head
GC: Brooklin Boat Yard

Holden frameless door only

GC: Kerry Wilson
Tiling: Kevin Pattershall

Milo frameless door only

GC: Robert Perry Builders, Bangor
Tiling: Robert Perry Builders

Bangor frameless door only picture

Tiling: Dan Jamison

North Haven frameless door only

North Haven
GC: Crestwood
Tiling: Tony Dipasquale

Shower Shield

Bayside Shower Shield Tiling: Mark Mentz (Monroe)

Northeast Harbor frameless door only

Northeast Harbor

Bangor frameless door only picture

Tiling: Dan Jamison

Dedham single door

Dedham single door and shower window

Pittsfield frameless door only

GC: Homeowner
tile: Kenistons Tile

Dennis Miller in a Rockport shower

Our Dennis Miller installing a frameless door in Rockport.

Rockport frameless door only

GC: Crestwood
Tiling: Greg Thompson

Seal Harbor frameless door only

Southwest Harbor
Marble Slab Shower

Sommesville frameless door only


Unity frameless door only

Tiling: Mark Mentz

Bangor frameless door only

GC: Bob Dow

Bangor frameless door only picture

Bangor single door with transom
GC: Applebee Ent.
Tiling: Kevin Pattershall Tile:Kenistons

Single door in Orono

Orono single door and shower window
GC: Howard Bishop
Tile: Kenistons Tile
Tiling: Kenistons Tile